16-17 March 2015, Workshop, Lund, “Voluntary and Regulatory Frameworks to Improve Quality and Compliance of ventilation and airtightness”- Registration is now open
The international workshop on “Ventilation and Airtightness in Buildings : Voluntary and Regulatory Frameworks to Improve Quality and Compliance” will be held in Lund, Sweden on March 16-17, 2015. One topic of specific attention will be how to handle innovation in compliance frameworks, which is a specific concern for ventilative cooling solutions.
This workshop is a joint initiative from: the QUALICHeCK consortium, AIVC (Air Infiltration and Ventilation Centre, www.aivc.org), TightVent (Building and Ductwork Airtightness Platform, www.tightvent.eu) and venticool (the international platform for ventilative cooling, www.venticool.eu).
>> Visit the QUALICHeCK website for further information