IEA EBC Annex 80 Resilient Cooling for Buildings proceedings from the third Expert Meeting
The EBC Annex 80 held its third Expert Meeting on November 5th and 6th which also indicates half-time. Over 50 participants from 15 countries took part in three online sessions scheduled to take on the large time lag between the Americas, Europe, Asia and Australia.
Several task groups have pushed the Annex 80 agenda since the last Expert Meeting in April. The weather data task group has recently held workshops to generate Typical Meteorological Years (TMY) as well as representations of heat wave events for future time periods (2050s, 2090s). 25 cities have been selected to cover each climate zone from the ASHRAE classification (ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 169). The generation of weather data sets is still in progress and will be finished by the end of the year. Together with the definition of thermal boundaries conditions, which is being carried out by another task group, led by Shady Attia and Mohamed Hamdy, the generated weather files form the basis for numerical technology assessments which will be carried out by the group of scientists in the second half of the annex’s working phase.
Furthermore, the first official Annex 80 deliverable, the State-of-the-Art Review (SOTAR) has been submitted for review to the EBC Executive Committee. It consists of an extensive review of the quality of resilience in cooling, a wide range of existing cooling technologies and the identification of future research and developing needs. It will be published in early 2021.
Board of Professionals
To put results of scientific research into action by establishing strong ties to practitioners is a declared goal of Annex 80. Therefore, the Operating Agent in cooperation with AIVC and venticool created a format for regular exchange between Annex 80 scientists, practitioners and planners as well as representatives from building cooling associated industry. Quarterly web meetings will be held to pool competences to advance low energy and low carbon cooling systems and to make them the mainstream and preferred solutions for cooling and overheating issues in buildings.
The first web meeting will be held on February 3rd at 15:00 (UTC) 2021. For further details and registration please refer to Philipp Stern at
Lecture Series
During the course of Annex 80 a huge amount of knowledge is generated by its members through international collaboration and national research. Due to the current situation with solely remote Expert Meetings exchange and transfer of knowledge is limited. Therefore, the Annex 80 Lecture Series has been established to provide a platform for making this knowledge visible and easily accessible. The first lectures have already been held and proofed to be beneficial for all participants. It is planned to make this lectures on resilient cooling publicly available in the upcoming second semester.
On April 15th and 16th all Annex 80 members will meet again for their 4th Expert Meeting. As from present-day perspective it will again be held as remote meeting.
Philip Stern, Institute of Building Research & Innovation, Austria