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Is ventilative cooling taken into account in national EPBD related regulations?

Yes, for example: Austria, Denmark, Switzerland, Belgium , France and Germany. The way ventilative cooling is  taken into account in legislation varies among the countries and also between the type of buildings (residential vs. non-residential).


[1]Plesner C., Status and recommendations for better implementation of ventilative cooling in standards, legislation and compliance tools, 2018, venticool/IEA EBC Annex 62 

Does the Energy performance of buildings directive (EPBD) support the use of ventilative cooling?

The Energy performance of buildings directive (EPBD) stimulates the use of passive techniques such as ventilative cooling, aiming to reduce the energy needs for heating or cooling, the energy use for lighting and for ventilation and hence improve thermal and visual comfort. Although inclusion of ventilative cooling in the energy calculation is not obligatory, more and more countries enter ventilative cooling in their Energy Performance (EP) regulation (e.g. Austria, Denmark, Switzerland, Belgium , France and Germany [1]). As the energy calculation is mostly monthly, the effect of ventilative cooling is usually assessed in a rather simplified way.


[1] Plesner C., Status and recommendations for better implementation of ventilative cooling in standards, legislation and compliance tools, 2018, venticool/IEA EBC Annex 62 

What is the importance of legislation to ventilative cooling?

In order to be correctly accounted for, ventilative cooling strategies require rather mature assessment methods for thermal comfort and ventilation effects. These assessment methods should include thermal comfort criteria as well as ideally, indoor air quality, visual comfort, and noise. They should also reflect the large variation of the effective cooling potential within a single day, thus calling for rather sophisticated calculations, currently seldom used in regulations.