ES-SO white paper EPBD on overheating risk in low energy buildings
The European Solar Energy Organisation (ES-SO) released a white paper focusing on the overheating risk in low energy buildings in order to strengthen the awareness of member states of a growing problem which is not sufficiently addressed in the current Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD). The paper: “Overheating risk in low energy buildings to combat”, brings up the growing problem of people suffering from uncomfortable indoor temperature.
OVERHEATING: a new problem arising in new built and renovated low energy buildings. How come?
Low energy construction methods are reported in various countries as playing a significant role in increasing overheating in new built and renovated buildings. Together with the progressing climate change this will shift overall in Europe the energy need for heating into more energy needed for cooling.
To address the overheating risk properly an explicit legislative article has to be included in the coming EPBD review.
Read more in the ES-SO White Paper, available here.