COMMISSION DELEGATED REGULATION (EU) 2022/759 of 14 December 2021 amending Annex VII to Directive (EU) 2018/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards a methodology for calculating the amount of renewable energy used for cooling and district cooling
venticool is pleased to announce the entry into force of the COMMISSION DELEGATED REGULATION (EU) 2022/759 of 14 December 2021 amending Annex VII to Directive (EU) 2018/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards a methodology for calculating the amount of renewable energy used for cooling and district cooling.
In PART B:, it is stated that:
“where ventilation air is used as a heat transport medium for cooling, the corresponding cooling supply, which can be supplied either by a cooling generator or by free cooling is part of renewable cooling calculation.”
Venticool welcomes this statement which will allow ventilative cooling to be included in the calculation of the renewable energy used for cooling (and thus in the Energy Performance regulations of EU countries).
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