INIVE vzw – International Network for Information on Ventilation and Energy Performance
Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 41, B-9000 Ghent, Belgium

Join us

As a company or association of companies

Join our world leading partners to help raise awareness and foster new developments in policies, research and recommendations on ventilative cooling:

Partnership Description Fee / year
Diamond partner
  • High visibility in venticool-related events and communication
  • Special conditions for exhibition stands and registration in venticool related-events (normally free participation of 2 persons and 50% reduction for 3rd to 5th person)
  • Participation to venticool steering committee (2 persons)
  • Participation to venticool annual meeting
  • Possibility to invite 2 experts to specific meetings
  • 11 000 € (individual company)
  • 16 500 € (professional association)
Gold partner
  • Visibility in venticool -related events and communication
  • Special conditions for exhibition stands and registration in venticool related-events (normally free participation of 1 person)
  • Possibility to participate to venticool steering committee upon invitation (1 person)
  • Participation to venticool annual meeting
  • 5 500 € (individual company)
  • 8 250 € (professional association)
Silver partner
  • Mentioned in venticool-related events and communication
  • Special conditions for 1 person registration in venticool related-events (normally 75% discount, no discount for stands)
  • Participation to venticool annual meeting
  • 1 650 € (individual company)
  • 3 300 € (professional association)

As an association interested in or dealing with ventilative cooling

Contribute to venticool activities to promote ventilative cooling solutions:

Membership Description Fee / year
Associate partner
  • Applies to non-profit organizations with limited resources
  • Associate partners are involved in venticool development.
  • Conditions are described in a specific memorandum of understanding.
  • Participation to venticool annual meeting
Free of charge

If you have any questions regarding venticool, contact us at:

You can also contact venticool partners directly through their websites.

Diamond partners:


Gold partners:


Associate partners:


Platform facilitator: